Tuesday, November 7, 2017

It's been long. . .too long

Greetings friends and family!  Peace of Christ be with You!  

I have been away from this blog for too long.  Honestly, I wasn't sure if I had deactivated it.  

I didn't and I'm glad.  

Life is full of ups and downs and the past couple of years have been difficult.  I found myself drifting away from the Church for no good reason.  There was always a reason to not go to Mass or to pray or to focus on "material" things.  No good excuse, simply reasons.  

But, recently, I had a "life event" that I feel helped me course correct.  I left my job.  Yes, it was a really really good job in terms of money and benefits, but the stress and the pressure had become too much.  I was no longer happy and that lack of happiness was impacting my family, my health, and had certainly impacted my relationship with God.  So, I decided to make a change.  I left, on my own, at the end of June to figure out what to do next.  

I wanted to spend time over the summer and early fall with my family, free of stress and distraction.  I got to do that, and I truly valued that time and all of the little things from going to the pool, doing things with my daughter and son, getting them off to the first day of school, and running them to various activities.  I wanted to look at the possibility of starting my own business, buying a business, or starting a franchise.  I looked into all three and though none worked out, I valued the opportunity.  I wanted to figure out what I really wanted out of my life in order to search for a career that fit me best.  But, most importantly, I wanted to reconnect with my faith and renew my relationship with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And, I feel I've come a long way in the last few months.  I've found my way back to the path, and now I need to stay on it.   

Why am I here?  I like writing, I enjoy connecting with others and I want to share -- thoughts on Faith, personal experiences, and opinions.  Living Catholic Daily, the title of this blog, is not easy in today's world, and this provides an outlet to share and discuss the journey we are all on in our own way.  

So, I am back, and my goal is to commit to posting regularly.  I'm not sure if that will be once a week, multiple times a week, once a month, or what.  I'll let the Holy Spirit help guide me.  But, if you enjoy my blog or have topics you'd like to discuss, please shoot me a comment or e-mail!  I want to know that I'm reaching some of you!!  

Have a great day and week.  God Bless All of You!